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God wants to be MASTER : Part 2

Let’s pick it up where we left off. 

Since God is MAJESTIC and MESSIAH, we are compelled to declare Him to be MASTER. As we looked at last time, that's what happened in 
Isaiah 6. The Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, saw the MAJESTY of God, experienced how He was MESSIAH, and Isaiah declared God to be MASTER. 
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God wants to be MASTER : Part 1

God wants to be MASTER  

Since God is MAJESTIC and MESSIAH, we are compelled to declare Him to be MASTER. That's what happened in Isaiah 6. The Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, saw the MAJESTY of God, saw how He was MESSIAH, and Isaiah declared Him to be MASTER. Here is what Isaiah 6:8 says: 
Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 
Isaiah says, “Here am I, Send me.” He is really declaring this: God, You are my MASTER! I will do what you tell me to do, and I will go where you tell me to go
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